A museum for Sina
The history of an Etruscan town
The wonders of Spina necropolis
In the 16 rooms on the main floor of Palazzo Costabili are displayed the most precious masterpieces from the rich tombs of Spina necropolis, the true witnesses of life and death in this important Etruscan centre on the Adriatic.
The stories of Spina inhabitants emerge from the soil
Since October 2011 the frescoed rooms of the ground floor house the finds coming from the digs in the town of Spina, which tell us about everyday life in this area, 2500 years ago.
The monoxylous canoes from Valle Isola
Emerged from the soil during the 40s of last century, le canoes from Valle Isola, for their extraordinary state of conservation and the building technique, offer the visitor a vivid look on lagoon navigation in the ancient times
Palazzo Costabili: a treasure trove
The MANFe offers a unique archaeological heritage, set in one of the most prestigious buildings of Estense Renaissance, an artistic and architectural context of incomparable beauty
Spina is the principal port in northern Adriatic Sea, between late Archaic and Hellenistic period, and one of the cornerstones of Etruscan presence in northern Italy.
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Even though it bears the name of Ludovico Maria Sforza, called Il Moro, duke of Milan, the Palazzo was actually commissioned by Antonio Costabili...
The quest for ancient Spina in the swamps of the Po river was a real archaeological detective story...
Past and upcoming events at the mueum.
Temporarily the museum is NOT ACCESSIBLE to people with mobility disabilities.